Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm sorry!!!

I'm not dead I swear. Atlanta has not swallowed me whole. The recession hasn't sent me back to Minnesota. There so much that has went on since my last post during MLK....too much to talk about. Nothing too dramatic though. I've been working so hard on my life here. I work at another bank, and I jus finished my first semester of school here. I'm actually in summer school right now not paying attention. So since its really pointless to try to go back through all events since January, I'll jus sum it up in saying its was rough and wild but I'm all good and actually pretty satisfied with my progress.

Recent events have been pretty interesting:

School right now sucks.....I have class until super late at night and I am not a happy camper, but I did get my final grades back from last semester and they were pretty good. Sidebar: It's so weird the way the racial demographic has changed in my classes since moving from Minnesota. Also I am so FUCKING tired of buying books then not being able to sell them back....College is such a corporation LOL.
I'm still single, but for the first time in a while I think I may be looking for something with a little more substance. I did go on a date recently with someone from a rival frat...shame on me. We'll call him The Italian because of his name. The date was very very good. We had good convo, nice restaurant, and a cute face to look at. He took me this Tapas bar in the Virginia-Highland area. For some reason I didn't realize that the portions were so small, so unfortunately i was hungry when I left but the idea was cute LOL.

Random notes about SIZZLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all know that I love me some Miami sizzle.Sebastian and I got our complete life and a lil mo'.......

I did meet a blogger (this is becoming a vacation tradition of mine) who was actually very cool so hopefully we'll get to converse in the future.

I have so many random area codes in my phone for no reason.

I was drunk most of the weekend off Bacardi and Tequila sunrises....therefore I don't know if i was a bad boy or not.

I need a GYM!!!

I ate a steak sandwich outside the club and it was so nasty....but good the next morning.

I naired and it burned so good...

I've actually been writing this post for more than a week...

*Song of the Moment: Lil Wayne Feat. Drake-Every Girl*