Last weekend was uber blah so this weekend I decided to go out mainly because it my friend Merce's going away weekend. She's moving to Dallas to get away from the tundra and I'm super sad she's leaving me behind, but I'm happy to see her going to pursue something different. She is my ride or die, my bottom B**CH, may ace boon coon lol, and I will very much miss her, I'll see her in January though when she comes to visit me at my new location. It will be great to see how our lives are going post tundra.
Thurs night-
So I have Fridays and Saturdays off until I start my position and then it will be Mon-Fri, Thus my weekends starts Thurs night and I'm at work ugly on Sunday morning. Anywho this guy that used to live here, and we'll just call him East-Coast, hit me up sayin he wanted to come through because he just moved back here which was ok as long as he came early becuase I go to sleep early, but in true negro fashion he arrived at like 2 somethin in the morning. So he comes in and immediately wants to get "cozy". I just breathed real hard and was like well..............shit. I know what ya'll thinkin but we didn't do nothin like that ( am I Lying?........ maybe). Later that night/morning he tryin to be all emotional like I'm really feelin you and I wanna see where this goes. HMMM ok well my reply was if you want something even remotely serious with me you have to plan shit with me before 2 in the morning. His reply was so ridiculous I'm too embarrassed to write it...........This Negro says to me, "Well I sleep all day so doin that would mess up my sleeping habits." mind you this man is unemployed as hell so he had no chance anyway but yo lazy ass is triflin still for thinking its ok for you to say that. So basically at this point I just yawned real ugly and gave him the signal that his time was up.
-Nothing too spectacular I just paid my bills and I got my hair cut......OH YEA!! my barber was so doin things to me.....he can hit this thang real soft in the broom closet. What is really up wit gay men and their infatuation with their barbers? But that's a different subject so anyways later that night I went out to the str8 club which was ok for what it was...I saw some of my previous whoop bams (my phrase for friends with benefits). One of them and his friends came over after the club and chilled to like 6 am. It was fun because one of them was like real uppity but later revealed he did all types of drugs so it was funny seeing him trying to justify killing himself.
I got real fresh and sexy and went to the mall of America to do some much needed shopping. I got a pair of dunks and to tees from Metropark. Later I picked up my ex ,and we'll just call him Pimp C (more on him in the future), proceeded to the Merce's goin away dinner at NBA city. I had a freakin blast losin both games of that one basketball thingy.....you know what I'm talkin about right? ......right. Pimp C was a real gentlemen and he actually has his shit together so why did I opt to go home alone and not rekindle the flame? I dunno maybe I need to do a little introspection
So that was basically it for me now I'm at work on this ugly Sunday afternoon that the lord made....and I guess I'm glad in it. I hope everyone had a great weekend!!! and yea......pics below

I was real tipsy off one drink so my eyes can't be shown at this point....

I love my Merce

You see that dude in the black? Yea that's me losing...
*Song of the Weekend- Trina: Look back at it*
Man, I can only imagine how much you will miss your girl... It seems like you guys had a great time. Hold on to her and make sure you stay close when she moves.
glad u had a fly weekend!
My barber can get it too...
so....you've decided to move?
we'll see won't we?
Sooo - someone had a good weekend.
Yea, my barber is hot too
Not in the broom closet tho. LMAOOOOO.
I think everybody wants secretly wants to smash their barber.
My barber is fine and sexy as F*ck! Yea, he could get some too.
I see you over there letting Pimp C win (we'll g with that).
I'm sure you'll miss your girls presence, but as you already know, she's only a phone call away.
Glad you enjoyed your weekend.
Congrats on the promotion, son. Sorry you are losing your friend, sort of, to Big D. Tell her to be careful here in the Big D. I don't think we are still number on in crime, but I think we ae still pretty close.
that guy in the pic is so not Pimp C.lol....but honestly i really did wanna win I just suck though
Damn you are a sexy mutha......
Just keep in touch with each other. Do not let distance shadow what you have with her. That would be a sad time in both of you all lives. I did that and to this day we are not the same because we grew up without each other.
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